Section: Dissemination

Conferences and workshops

  • Laurent Hascoët was invited to present Automatic Differentiation at NATIXIS, Paris, april 2012.

  • Alexandre Carabias presented a seminar “Controle de la dispersion et de la dissipation pour un schema a reconstruction quadratique”, during an ECINADS meeting, Inria Sophia Antipolis, april 2012.

  • Alain Dervieux was invited to present “Goal-oriented anisotropic mesh adaptation based on a priori estimates” (F. Alauzet, A. Belme, A. Loseille, D. Guégan, A. Dervieux), at the Workshop on Adaptive Methods with Applications in Fluid Dynamics (ADAP-CFD12) (WIAS), Berlin, april 2012.

  • Laurent Hascoët was invited to present advances in Automatic Differentiation at CERFACS, Toulouse, may 2012.

  • Hubert Alcin presented “On 2-level Schwarz algorithms for LES compressible flows” (H. Alcin, O. Allain, B. Koobus and A. Dervieux), at ParCFD2012, Atlanta, may 2012.

  • Alexandre Carabias presented a seminar “Schema QV6 et adaptation”, with team Gamma3, Inria Rocquencourt, may 2012.

  • Alexandre Carabias presented a seminar “Controle de la dispersion et de la dissipation pour un schema a reconstruction quadratique” at “Colloque des doctorants de 2eme année”, Université de Nice, may 2012.

  • Alain Dervieux gave a short course “Sensitivity analysis by adjoint Automatic Differentiation and Application” (A. Belme, M. Martinelli, L. Hascoët, V. Pascual, A. Dervieux), at the ERCOFTAC Course on Uncertainty Management and Quantification in Industrial Analysis and Design, EDF , PARIS, may 2012.

  • Laurent Hascoët gave an introductory course on Automatic Differentiation [17] during the “Advanced data assimilation for geosciences” course (org. E. Blayo, M. Bocquet, and E. Cosme), Les Houches school of physics, june 2012.

  • Laurent Hascoët presented at the two meetings of the JLPC Inria-Illinois joint laboratory: “Toward Adjoinable MPI”, Rennes, june 2012, and “The Data-Dependence graph of Adjoint Codes”, Argonne Nat. Lab., november 2012.

  • Laurent Hascoët presented [18] “Using Automatic Differentiation to study the sensitivity of a crop model” at AD2012 conference, Fort Collins, Colorado, july 2012.

  • Valérie Pascual presented [16] “Native handling of Message-Passing communication in Data-Flow analysis” at AD2012 conference, Fort Collins, Colorado, july 2012.

  • Laurent Hascoët presented an overview of Automatic Differentiation at “Ecole d'été UFA” (org. A. Desideri), Sophia-Antipolis, september 2012.

  • Alain Dervieux presented “Goal-Oriented mesh adaptation for vortex shedding flows” (H. Alcin, A. Belme, A. Loseille, F. Alauzet, S. Wornom , A. Dervieux), at ECCOMAS, Vienna, Austria, september 2012.

  • Carine Moussaed presented “A Dynamic VMS-LES model and its Hybrid extension for bluff body flows” (C. Moussaed, S. Wornom, B. Koobus, M.-V. Salvetti, A. Dervieux), at ECCOMAS, Vienna, Austria, september 2012.

  • Alexandre Carabias presented “Anisotropic Goal-oriented estimate for a third-order accurate Euler model” (A. Carabias, A. Belme, F. Alauzet, A. Dervieux, A. Loseille), at ECCOMAS, Vienna, Austria, september 2012.

  • Hubert Alcin has presented “Goal-Oriented mesh adaptation and 2-level Schwarz Algorithms”, at CERFACS seminar, Toulouse, october 2012.

  • Laurent Hascoët, together with Andreas Griewank, served as evaluator for B. Pearlmutter team in NUI Maynooth, Ireland, november 2012.

  • Laurent Hascoët spent two weeks at Argonne Nat. Lab. to work on an adjoinable MPI library with Jean Utke, november 2012.

  • Alain Dervieux gave a short course “Indicateurs de raffinement et adaptation de maillage en simulation numérique pour la Mécanique des Fluides” (A. Dervieux, F. Alauzet), during the “Cours sur la Vérification des simulations numériques en Mécanique des Milieux Continus”, Collège X, Paris, november 2012.